Is Hair Flammable?

Is Hair Flammable

In short, hair is extremely flammable. If your hair catches fire, the fire will burn quickly, but will only last for a brief amount of time – unless you hold your hair in the fire. The flame will burn orange, and then char your hair leaving it as a dark ash that will turn to … Read more

Is Beer Flammable? We Find Out.

Is Beer Flammable?

When we think of flammable alcohol, your mind would probably not lean to beer straight away. I mean, a lot of us love a good beer. You get home from a hard day’s work, you go into the fridge and get yourself a nice bottle of the good stuff. Or, you head for the nearest … Read more

Is Wine Flammable? [Answered]


If you like to kick back with a glass of wine now and then, you may have taken the risks that come with drinking into account. But have you thought about whether wine can catch fire? If you’re a regular wine drinker, you may want to know if wine is flammable or not. What Is … Read more

Is Hydraulic Fluid Flammable?

Is Hydraulic Fluid Flammable?

Fluids play a key role in hydraulic systems. In fact, any operation requires hydraulic fluid within the hydraulic system. These fluids can be affected by environmental changes such as variations in temperatures. Therefore, the whole hydraulic system can be impacted. As temperatures increase, hydraulic fluid can begin to evaporate. As temperatures decrease, the fluid can … Read more

Is Diesel Flammable?

Is Diesel Flammable

Is diesel flammable? Put simply: yes, diesel is flammable. However, flammable doesn’t always mean combustible. We discover the difference. So, we all know that gasoline is highly flammable. You see it all the time in movies, when there’s some sort of car chase and someone lights a match at a gas station and everything explodes. … Read more

Is Vinegar Flammable? We Find Out

Is Vinegar Flammable?

Is Vinegar Flammable? Technically, vinegar is not a flammable substance and is hard to catch on fire. So, does that mean it’s safe to use? The perfect accompaniment to salt and boasting a tangy kick – vinegar is a staple ingredient in recipes around the world, and can be found in the kitchens of homeowners … Read more

Is Oil Flammable? We Find Out

Is Oil Flammable?

Countless TV shows and movies have depicted characters pouring oil all over something, flicking a lit cigarette or match onto it, and then watching on as it immediately ignites in a fury of flames.  But how true to life are these scenes? Is oil flammable? And, if it is, would it really spark a fire that … Read more

Is Vodka Flammable?

Is Vodka Flammable?

Inside: Vodka is often a drink that many of us keep in our cupboards, ready to crack it open at the next big event! But, is Vodka flammable, and can it be ignited? That’s what this guide is here to find out! Vodka is a very versatile drink that can be mixed into various cocktails, … Read more

5 Best Kevlar Cut Resistant Gloves 2024


If in an emergency situation, you need to clear away some broken glass to make a safe path without the aid of a dustpan and brush, the last thing you want is to have no gloves on and end up cutting your best hand. Or, if you do happen to have gloves on, you don’t … Read more