Can LED Lights Catch On Fire?

LED lights have many benefits compared to traditional bulbs. A LED bulb uses up to 90% less energy and can last between 25 and 40 years. Despite these advantages, there is doubt over whether LED bulbs are a fire hazard or not. If you’re thinking about introducing LED lights into your home, you may be … Read more

How To Clean Up Fire Extinguisher Powder

How To Clean Up Fire Extinguisher Powder

There’s no denying that fire extinguishers have many benefits. In the event of a fire, this piece of equipment can help to save lives, however, depending on the type that you use, the residue left behind can be very messy. In some cases, it can have more consequences and create more damage than the fire … Read more

What Does The Number On A Fire Extinguisher Mean?

What Does The Number On A Fire Extinguisher Mean

A fire extinguisher plays an important role in the event of a fire. Using the incorrect type of extinguisher can worsen the fire. Identifying the right extinguisher can seem like a daunting task, but thankfully, there are two pieces of information that can be used to distinguish the different types/ classes. These are numbers and … Read more

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Flammable?

Hydrogen Peroxide Flammable

We have so many items and products in our homes that we often don’t even think about whether any of them are fire hazards or not. If you want to keep your family safe, then check out our handy guides to see which substances are flammable or not. This guide is all about hydrogen peroxide. … Read more

Can Steam Set Off A Smoke Detector?

Can Steam Set Off A Smoke Detector?

Inside: Have you ever wondered can steam set off a smoke detector? We discover why this happens, and whether steam can set off a smoke detector. Having properly working and operating smoke detectors in your home is so important as they keep not only your home safe but your family safe too. That’s why you … Read more

How Do You Dispose Of A Fire Extinguisher?

How Do You Dispose Of A Fire Extinguisher 

The omnipresent fear of fire has taught us to always guard against it, and throughout the countless millennia, since we first dabbled with and learned how to create it, we’ve become better at both preventing and putting fire out if it does become a threat to life or property. The days of having a bucket … Read more

How Much Is A Fire Hydrant?

How Much Is A Fire Hydrant

How much does a fire hydrant cost? That’s actually a trickier question than you might expect, because by no means are all fire hydrants created equal. The cost of the hydrants when they were put in will in some cases be vastly different to the replacement cost would be, were you to need to change … Read more

How Do I Find The Closest Fire Hydrant?

When firefighters are called out to action, to battle a raging fire, they will often rely on the nearest fire hydrant in order to have a good supply of water. There are usually fire hydrants to be found all around cities and towns, and there are more than you might think, it’s just that sometimes … Read more

How Do You Open A Fire Hydrant?

There are two issues to tackle when it comes to opening a fire hydrant. Number #1 – unless you have the right permit, it’s probably illegal – so, there’s that. There are reasons it’s illegal, and we’ll come to those on the way to explaining the whole permit thing. Number #2 – there’s a right … Read more