11 Best Fire Movies To Add To Your Watchlist

Best Fire Movies

Whether you are a firefighter yourself or you just love to watch fire-based movies, you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to tell you all about some of the best fire movies that have ever been made, so you can add them to your watch list. There are so … Read more

20 Best Fire Trucks In The World

I know what you’re thinking: ‘aren’t all fire trucks the same?’ Well, traditionally, firefighting vehicles seem to fit a particular look – bright red, very large with flashing lights. But, that’s not all they can look like. There are quite a few out there that broke the classic fire truck mold.  Basically, as long as … Read more

Can a Fire Marshal Arrest Someone?

Can Fire Marshal Arrest Someone?

Fire Marshals have lots of different roles and responsibilities with their position, but how far do these responsibilities go? Can a Fire Marshal arrest someone? Something that you might have wondered about is whether or not fire marshals have the ability to put someone under arrest. In this article, we are going to answer all … Read more

What Is A Firefighter Endorsement? Do You Need One?

Fire Engine Driving Requirements

If you want to find out more about firefighter endorsement and what it all means, then you have come to the right place. This is something that we are going to look at in this article, so you can have a better understanding of it. Finding out more about firefighter endorsements can also help you … Read more

White Smoke VS Black Smoke 

White Smoke vs Black Smoke

Although smoke is highly dangerous, the color of smoke can help firefighters determine the source of the fire and potentially predict how the fire behaves next. When called to the scene of a fire, usually the Officer in charge of the scene will use the smoke color, density, speed and volume to locate the source … Read more

Why Do Firefighters Cut Holes In Roofs?

Why Do Firefighters Cut Holes In Roofs

Have you ever seen a firefighter cut a hole in the roof, either on TV or in a real fire? There is actually a really good reason behind this. If you are wondering why they would cut holes in the roof, then you have come to the right place, as this is something that we … Read more

Can Firefighters Fill Up Your Pool?

Can Firefighters Fill Up Your Pool

Owning a swimming pool can be a wonderful experience, especially if you live in a country that is dominated by hot and sunny weather. Not only can your pool offer a respite from the heat, but it can also be used for keeping fit and hosting various parties. The only issue is that swimming pools … Read more

How High Do Fire Ladders Reach?

“How high do fire ladders reach?” is one of those questions in life which on a good day are pleasingly theoretical, like “How long is a piece of string?”. Even on really bad days though, you’re unlikely to depend on the answer to the piece of string question to save your life. But if the … Read more

What Do Firefighters Do When There Is No Fire?

Firefighters are the ones that answer the emergency calls of fire, and they’re in charge of safely putting the fires out, and making sure everyone is able to be safe. They face some pretty serious and dangerous situations sometimes, rushing headfirst into the danger in order to save as many lives as possible, real-life heroes.  … Read more

Why Do Firefighters Have To Shave?

Beards and facial hair are certainly a modern day fashion statement. Some years ago they may have been viewed as scruffy or made you look like a ‘hippie’, but nowadays, they’re all the rage. However, today, there are still some careers where the clean-shaven look is an expectation, and you can’t get away with having … Read more